Not Home For The Holidays? Turning The Holiday Homesickness Frown Upside Down


“When you feel homesick,’ he said, ‘just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go.”

― Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch

Supposed to be home for the holidays? But unexpectedly, you just can’t go home.
Well, the sacrifice to be away from home is not at all easy and we salute that noble pursuit. While homesickness embraces you like the cold December air and not a fire by the hearth can warm the heavy heart, we can still turn that holiday frown upside down.
You’re not the only one after all, everyone, one way or another, felt homesickness on the holidays. Here’s how you can cope up with your feelings:

    • Let it all out.

It’s okay to cry! At this time, there’s no guilt in crying. You are not weak. You have been amazingly tough. It’s best to release all that sadness because you need to free up the space of your feelings and fill them with joy, optimism and glee. Just let it all out, you need a good cry. Those tears measure how much you long for the company of your loved ones during the holidays. But after a good cry, stand up, smile and be stronger than ever.

“Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of having tried too hard to be strong for too long.”

    • Celebrate the holidays with friends.

Lonely? Don’t be. You got people with you right now who just feel the same way. So, take the opportunity to celebrate the holidays with them, be good friends with them. The closest family you can have over the holidays is your friends.

“Friends are family you get to choose for yourself.”

    • Explore the different traditions.

The best way to cope up with celebrating the holidays away from home, it’s a chance to explore different traditions in the place you live! Wherever you are in this world, know that the culture you’re surrounded with has a holiday tradition you should try. It’s fun! Don’t keep yourself away from the experience. Ask the locals in that area, feel the thrill of adventure and enjoy doing something new.

“Do not be afraid of trying something new, it can help you to know more about who you are.”

    •  Keep in touch.

The digital age makes the world smaller as people connect with each other from different parts of the world. We know it’s sad to not be physically there with your family, but you can be emotionally together. Why the internet is indeed everything, you can go online and see them. Send cyber hugs and kisses. We have services online already, a cab online service, a food delivery online service, an online shopping service like and even an online pawnshop service like PawnHero. All at the tips of your fingers. Connect and let technology cover the distance.

“Though we may be far apart, family is always close to the heart.”

    • It’s not always like this forever.

There are a lifetime of holidays to get together. If this holiday, you are away, don’t worry, not all holidays are the same. The next holiday you can be celebrating it with them. Everything happens for a reason. You left, leave your home and learn a whole lot of life lessons. The experience you get from being miles away is part of the journey of your purpose in this world. Trust where you are and celebrate for being strong.

“Everything is going to be alright.”