Heart-Wrenching Facts That Will Motivate You To Help Save The Planet


We only have one home, Earth. While our dreams as human beings are infinite with technology and innovation as proof, our planet is finite and its natural resources are as well. However, most of us fail to recognize the dire situation our planet Earth is facing because of our desires as humans.
Yes, we have scientists and the environmental sector of the government to act on our behalf and save what’s left to conserve, preserve and better improve the biodiversity of our planet. By far, Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and its most superior inhabitants, us, human beings who has a 6,000 year old civilization has already brought the environment statistics down to its knees.
Here are heart-wrenching facts about our environment that will motivate you to be a #HolidayHero because Mother Earth needs saving too.
1) Every year we dump a massive 2.12 billion tons of waste. If all this waste was put on trucks they would go around the world 24 times. – The World Counts 

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2) The iconic giraffe  one of the world’s most recognizable animals and the tallest land mammal, is now threatened with extinction. It has been listed as vulnerable to extinction after a 40 percent population decline.   – International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 

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3) The Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef system in the world which is home to 30 species of whale and dolphin, 1,625 species of fish, 3,000 species of molluscs and one of the world’s most important populations of dugong – the marine mammal sometimes called “sea cow” is experiencing the world crisis in its history as it had the third and most severe coral bleaching in the past 18 years. – Huffington Post

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4) The Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth, has been shrinking at a rate of around one meter each year, for the last 50 years. While Lake Poopo, Bolivia’s second largest lake was declared fully evaporated in December 2015. –The Guardian

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5) Over one million seabirds are killed by ocean pollution each year. Three hundred thousand dolphins and porpoises die each year as a result of becoming entangled in discarded fishing nets, among other items. One hundred thousand sea mammals are killed in the ocean by pollution each year. –Conserve Energy Future

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6) Between 2003 and 2008, up to 2 trillion tons of ice in Greenland, Antarctica and Alaska have melted. It’s melting fast, that’s 12,500 tons of water running into our oceans every single second – or 5 Olympic swimming pools. – The World Counts

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7) The Amazon Rain forest has been described as the “Lungs of our Planet” because it provides the essential environmental world service of continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rain forest. Rain forests once covered 14% of the earth’s land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rain forests could be consumed in less than 40 years. One and one-half acres of rain forest are lost every second with tragic consequences for both developing and industrial countries.   – Save The Amazon

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The facts are just the tip of the iceberg. They represent a part of the whole and yet it’s alarming.  As humans, we are supposed to be Earth’s caretakers and guardians. Let’s not be the cause of a mass extinction. So, below are just some of the dozens of organizations in and out of the country that are dedicated to “Save the Planet” :

The above-mentioned organizations are just a few of the Earth’s dedicated environmentalists.
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