Pawnina Tips: Follow Your Heart And Start Earning Money Doing What You Love


Hey guys, Pawnina here! It’s the love month! Speaking of such, this is the time to celebrate your love for someone, or for something. Now, after you leave your 9-5 jobs, take a stroll and start to reflect on things. How have you been faring on with your life lately? Are you fulfilling your purpose? Do you feel like doing your calling? Or simply put, are you happy right now?
If you feel like it’s the total opposite of joy, here’s the good news, it’s entirely possible to follow your heart and pursue what you love doing most! And no doctor’s prescription can help you decide to follow your heart other than yourself. So, here’s what you can do to figure out how to start earning money from doing what you love:
1) Try not to quit your job before you start pursuing what you love doing.
Others tend to be bold enough to quit their jobs with no plan at all. But sometimes, as Forrest Gump would have said it, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you’ll never know what you get.”   While getting to quit your job is a really brave thing to do, it is not really the wise thing to begin with. Remember, you have to be practical, you still need that income to keep you afloat. So, what you need to do is keep a decent amount of savings, and spend after work hours planning how to successfully exit your boring 9-5 lifestyle. Hence, as much as possible, stay at your day job until you no longer need it.
2) Be consistent from day one.
The bumps that keep you demotivated are your time and your character. This is a test of true patience. Success do not happen overnight. Say for example, if you want to have a freelance career in writing , always be consistent meeting a weekly quota. Whether it’s a holiday, it doesn’t matter, you have to be faithful with your goal because as always, consistency is key.

“Do what you love. It’s going to lead to where you want to go.” -Wayne White

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3) Risk yourself now.
It’s never too early to put yourself out there! You need to ward off all that’s keeping you from pursuing what you love doing. Don’t let fear, anxiety, procrastination and laziness pull you away from risking yourself now. It’s better to find out than having what ifs and regrets ten years later. But if you’re going for it, by all means, give it all your best like it’s the love of your life you’re chasing.
4) Fight for the lifestyle you want.
To have the freedom to live life to the fullest is totally worth it! And it takes guts and hard work to maintain and fight for your ideal lifestyle at times. Expect this road to be a tough. Prepare yourself for your biggest supporters and your biggest enemies. 

“You serve best by doing what you love the most.”- Maria Bello

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5) Don’t let failure get you off your tracks.
Successful people fail on their way to success and every high-profile successful people can tell a tale or two to prove you just that. Oprah once said during a Harvard commencement exercise that “failure is just life trying to move us in a different direction.” So, don’t feel bad about yourself. Don’t be afraid to try it again, because failing is a sign you’re onto something.
6) Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity.
You won’t go anywhere if you just wait and sit around. Figuratively speaking, there will never be the right time or perfect moment to get started. So, take that small step today, act before you are ready, take a massive action and just do it.

“You only have one life and if you’re not doing what you love, what’s the point? – Hillary Swank

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7) Create your own opportunities.
The best opportunities are the ones you create for yourself. The way you perceive situations can mean a lot. If you see a problem as an opportunity than an obstacle then you are doing it right. Heed inspiration from the founder of Mary Kay cosmetics, when she was denied a promotion, she took 5,000 dollars of her life savings and transformed it into one of the largest, most successful multi-level marketing companies ever at a time when female CEO were extremely rare. So, go grab the opportunity before it comes knocking right at your door.
8) Pursue something you’re good at doing.
Finally, don’t just do something you love, but also do something you’re good at doing. But if you are not yet good at something, but you find your heart there, there’s always a way to learn. You can attend extra classes, find your life mentor to guide you, read books and articles and spend time wisely mastering your skill.  

“The more you love what you are doing, the more successful it will be for you.” -Jerry Gillies

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There are people who have found success from turning passion into a profession, and that’s a great inspiration to draw from. Now, here’s a quote to live by, “Working hard for something you don’t care is called stress, working hard for something you love is called passion.” As they say, find what you love doing, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.
In any case you need extra budget to begin chasing your passion, you can always get quick cash loans from PawnHero .
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