How A Broken Heart Can Lead You To Success


A breakup can be more of a blessing than a curse! A blessing because these feelings can somehow lead to success.
A research concluded that our brains appear to process relationship breakups similarly to physical pain, and we all know that real success comes from pain. Heartbreak is not the end, sometimes it is just the beginning of something beautiful. So, keep those broken pieces of your heart intact because you will pull yourself back together and more often than not, you will come out successful! Here’s how a broken heart can lead you to success:

It makes you motivated.

You want to be someone that he/she regrets leaving. You want to become “The One Who Got Away” (TOTGA). You want to become an asset to yourself. You want that and all those wants are fueled by the failure of your relationship. J.K. Rowling, the author of the phenomenal Harry Potter series said:  ” Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.”
The fear to remain in failure and the ability to use that failure as what Rowling shared is what keeps us motivated to start moving. We are never meant to stay put in misery, because we have desires and dreams to fulfill and recognizing failure is a stepping stone for growth and improvement. If you feel you’re such a failure after that breakup, then it’s a life experience you won’t regret. Trust us.

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 You get real creative.

The world of art wouldn’t be as fascinating if it was not for the inspiration coming from broken hearts.  You would notice that the majority of the works of playwrights, authors, actors, musicians, artists and philosophers that achieve great success bore out from the heart. It is because love itself is the very thing that helps people relate through distance, through time, through differences. It is the human connection that transcends through and through. And heartaches are intense emotional cracks of the creativity blockage. As art is the universal outlet of expression, these broken feelings allow a conduit for creativity to flow. That’s why you feel the mood to write, to sing, to dance, to paint and to create.

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 You grasp the opportunity to reinvent yourself.

“Success is the best revenge.”
Bo Sanchez, author of the “8 Secrets of the Truly Rich,” once said that “You Need Pain to Succeed in Life.” Getting your heart broken can be jarring, but like so many unpleasant experiences, people are naturally motivated to do better. Heartbreak comes with wisdom and knowledge and pain from a shattered heart becomes an opportunity to break the chains of the pessimistic cycles born out of the failed relationship.
The energy diverted to the failed relationship just went down the drain and it is that same pent up energy that’s helping you focus on more important matters this time. You want to prove the past wrong and the determination to do so feels greater now than ever. So grasp the opportunity to reinvent yourself and make pain a burning fuel to jump start yourself from rock bottom to skyrocketing success.

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You’ll earn emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence means the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. After experiencing emotional defeat, the pain from a heartbreak may cultivate emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a crucial skill to success. Several studies claim that EQ trumps IQ and experience. Now you know why you feel s emotionally mature, it’s because the emotional turmoil from the breakup taught you better.

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A breakup is a failure, a failure in a relationship. Yet failures make us stronger, better and successful. So if you are experiencing any failure at the moment, face it, accept it and learn from it.
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